File No. 600.569/8

The Minister in the Netherlands (Van Dyke) to the Secretary of State


45. Department’s 33. Netherlands Government prohibits export following articles: All cereals, grains and flour, sugar, molasses, sugar beets straw, hay, fodder, salt, cotton, jute, flax, wool, coal, coke, patent fuel, copper, gold, leather, hides, siliculose fruits, medicaments and wound-dressing materials except theobromine, diuretinum, quinine, quinine alkaloid, quinquina bark and products [Page 389] containing it, cocaine, cubebs, nitrate of sodium, ether, acetone, sulphuric acid, machine oil and grease, automobile parts and tires, petrol, carriages, motor cycles, horses except foals, ammunition, powder, surgical instruments, timber for mines, liquid explosives, men’s worsted waistcoats, drawers, socks, gloves, barbed wire, empty sacks.1

Van Dyke
  1. The list in full, which is very long, was received on November 11, in a despatch from the Consul General in Rotterdam, October 24 (File No. 600.569/10), not printed. It is fairly well rendered in this abbreviated form, except that a better reading for the item “siliculose fruits” would appear to be “leguminous vegetables.” This was the fourth list received, the first being given by the Consul General in Rotterdam in a telegram of. August 20, not printed.