File No. 312.11/6920.

Admiral Winslow to the Secretary of the Navy.


M–3079. Danger to settlers in Yaqui Valley I believe to be greater this year than last. Owing to disbandment of groups of Villa forces and to the scarcity of food, Indians are probably in larger numbers than heretofore. Because of the distance, we can do little more than afford refuge at the coast line. Settlers refuse to abandon their property, and I see only two solutions to afford safety to lives and property:

First. Sufficient pressure to be put on Mexican Government by our Government to compel the immediate garrisoning of the Yaqui Valley with large forces of Mexican troops.

Alternative: An expeditionary force of my command with discretionary orders to land as required by occasion.

Prompt action can be secured only by extreme pressure on the Mexican Government, as the local authority, General Dieguez, has his attention on operations to the northward and will not leave sufficient force in the Yaqui Valley unless he is forced to do so.
