File No. 812.00/14234.

The Secretary of the Navy to the Secretary of State.

Sir: I have the honor to forward herewith, for your information, copies of telegrams received by this Department relative to conditions in Mexico.

Sincerely yours,

Josephus Daniels.

Admiral Howard to the Secretary of the Navy.

The Commander-in-chief of the Pacific Fleet has received a report from the Acting American Consul at Mazatlan with regard to Mexican steamer Korrigan II, belonging to French Boleo Company, as follows:

General Iturbide states that the Government has detained the steamer because of need of her services. Steamer win probably be called to Mazatlan from Topolobampo, where she now is, and the General gives assurances that the steamer will be returned when her services are no longer needed.

I believe the General is holding the steamer for use in making his escape in case that becomes necessary.
