File No. 319.1123L25/31

The Secretary of State to Minister Price

No. 238

Sir: Referring to your despatch No. 848 of March 14, last, in reference to the investigation which is being conducted by the Panaman authorities in regard to the Colon riot of April 2, 1915, you are hereby informed that the Department approves of your note No. 285 of March 14, last to the Foreign Office, a copy of which accompanied your despatch referred to above.

Inasmuch as the Panaman authorities appear to have been remiss in conducting the investigation mentioned and since previous communications to the Foreign Office on this subject have not produced the desired result of expediting the investigation and giving to it an appearance of being conducted in good faith, you may, in the event that your note of March 14, does not produce prompt and satisfactory results, inform the Minister for Foreign Affairs more emphatically than has already been done as to the views which you entertain respecting this investigation and add that this Government is not satisfied with the manner in which the Government of Panama has dealt with the matter.

I am [etc.]

Robert Lansing