File No. 812.516/122

Mr. Parker, representing American interests, to the Secretary of State

No. 336

Sir: I have the honor to refer to the Department’s instruction No. 1861 of January 20, 1916, with reference to the invalidated issues of paper money in the hands of American citizens. With special reference to the last paragraph of the Department’s instruction I have the honor to state that persistent inquiry among Americans elicited comparatively little information as to the amount of money of these invalidated issues remaining in their hands. Well informed persons variously estimate the amount of this currency in the hands of foreigners at from 100 to 600 million pesos of which probably 25% is [Page 634] in the hands of Americans. In view of the great diversity of opinion a conservative estimate of the amount in the hands of American citizens would be from 25 to 50 millions.

I have [etc.]

Charles B. Parker