File No. 300.115/11743

The Commercial Adviser of the British Embassy (Crawford) to the Foreign Trade Adviser of the Department of State (Holder)

My Dear Doctor Holder: We are to acquaint you that the Foreign Office has granted the application for permit to bring out 124 cases of porcelain guides valued at marks 75,000. This application as you will recall was put forward in the name of the Mitchell-Bissell Company. The goods in question were manufactured by the Porzellanfabrik zu Kloster Veilsdorf at Veilsdorf, Sachsen-Meiningen, Germany. The Foreign Office has granted the permit on the ground that the merchandise in question is necessary in connection with the [Page 570] textile industry in the United States, on the assurance from your Department that the Secretary of Commerce undertakes to act as consignee for distribution of the goods.

Yours very truly,

R. Crawford