File No. 837.00/1348

Minister Gonzales to the Secretary of State


Department’s undated cable May 11 replying to mine April 29, midnight. Suggestion increase marine force Guantanamo made on statement by naval officer that 1,000 marines Haiti available, also in recognition numerous appeals from apparently frightened Americans for additional protection and on strength of representations of Consul at Caimanera and naval commander Guantanamo that American property on Guantanamo and Western Railroad exposed to destruction. From distance of 600 miles I am not warranted setting my judgment against these appeals. But President Menocal stated last night did not consider additional United States forces needed as [Page 405] precaution. In view increased Government forces and activity that section with important surrenders past few days I consider such precaution much less important than appeared ten days ago.

Regarding second paragraph the President would, nevertheless, have suggested statement made. My opinion is that little politics in revolt Oriente and class of bandits not within reach of appeals to patriotism but that Department’s statement would strengthen support of Government in cities and perhaps discourage conspirators in New York.
