File No. 763.72119/600

The Minister in Sweden ( Morris) to the Secretary of State


362. Socialist delegates from the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark and Sweden now holding preliminary meetings in Stockholm with view to universal peace conference about the middle of June. Delegates from Norway, Russia, Austria-Hungary, United States, France and Germany expected to participate. Believe conference will have effect upon public opinion in Russia and Germany. Allies’ representatives here have sent following identic telegram to their Governments: [Page 739]

We believe it would be equally inopportune for the Socialists of our respective countries to refuse or unconditionally to consent to take part in the conference organized here by the Swedish-Dutch Committee. In the second case they would simply be playing Germany’s game; in the first they would risk aggravating the difficulties of the insufferable situation in Russia and aside from the effect in the neutral countries they would draw toward the Governments all the elements in the enemy countries now striving for an equitable peace. It would seem indicated that our Socialists should subject their participation in the Stockholm conference to the following conditions:

That there be definitely discarded the formula “neither annexation nor indemnities” by which the Central Empires are endeavoring to avoid the consequences of their miscarried aggression while preserving the fruits of other annexations which they have effected in the past against the rights and liberty of peoples.
That the peace to which the conference looks be based on the inalienable rights and free development of all nations.
That consequently all who are to take part in the conference agree in advance to condemn the violation of neutrality of Belgium by Germany and to consider as the first condition to a future peace the complete reestablishment of Belgium in statu quo ante and a payment of indemnity by Germany.
