File No. 868.00/105

The Minister in Greece ( Droppers) to the Secretary of State


316. Replying to 270, April 28, 4 p.m. After resignation of Venizelos, March, 1915, election held in June giving him decided majority; after second resignation September, 1915, Parliament again dissolved. In election held December, 1915, his party refused to vote on the ground that army was mobilized and no fair election could be held. Resulting Parliament entirely anti-V[enizelist]. This Parliament ordered closed by Allies June, 1916, no other election held. No other election now could be held properly either in Old or New Greece since military or semi-military powers have complete control accompanied with jurisdictions. Hatred bitter between two parties. Provisional Government called into being by three persons of standing, Venizelos, Danglis and Kondouriotis, some taking part in the summoning Chamber of June, 1915, to meet at Salonica.
