File No. 893.00/2899

The Minister in China ( Reinsch) to the Secretary of State


Referring to my cable November 12, 6 p.m.3 Upon receiving from the Southern military leaders what he considered satisfactory assurances [Page 121] of their readiness to cooperate in settling the civil war, the President yesterday issued a mandate directing the cessation of hostilities and the withdrawal of the Northern forces and bespeaking the efforts of the whole country towards unification.

I have dispatched following telegram from [sic] to the Consulate General at Canton.

November 18, 5 p.m.

For your information. Mandate of the President of China for the cessation of military action issued yesterday is considered here as a patriotic and wise act which merits support of all China. Should Southern leaders, notwithstanding this act of peace, announce further military action, they would undoubtedly turn public opinion of the world absolutely against them and also bring further woe on China.

  1. Not printed.