File No. 412.00/58

The Charge in Mexico ( Summerlin) to the Secretary of State

No. 710

Sir: With reference to the Embassy’s despatch No. 687 of the first instant1 transmitting a summary of the presidential decree prescribing regulations, etc., for carrying into effect the presidential decree which created a commission to pass upon claims for damages growing out of the Mexican revolution (see the Embassy’s despatch No. 634 of December 5, 1917, for the text and translation of the decree last mentioned),2 I have the honor to enclose, herewith, the text of the first-mentioned decree as published in the Diario Oficial, together with a translation.

I have [etc.]

George L. Summerlin
  1. Not printed.
  2. Despatch not printed; for translation of the decree see the preceding document.