File No. 861.00/479

The Ambassador in Russia ( Francis) to the Secretary of State


1666. First day Moscow conference devoted to speeches of ministers. Kerensky, presiding, delivered impassioned speech advocating prosecution of war stating Provisional Government will report its trusteeship to Constituent Assembly which meets November 28 and will resist with force all previous efforts to supersede it. Nekrasov, Minister of Finance, made notable speech showing deplorable condition Russian finances, admitting governmental expenses since revolution far exceeded those of predecessor and asserted that appeals made to Minister of Finance so enormous that no government could satisfy. Minister of Trade and Industries spoke impressively. Chernov, [Page 179] Minister of Agriculture, attended but speechless thus far. Minister for Foreign Affairs goes Moscow to-night. Nekrasov returning Petrograd. Guchkov, former Minister of War, Shidlovski, leader of progressive bloc Duma and others comment unfavorably on Kerensky’s speech. Kornilov arrives Moscow to-night, speaks tomorrow. Cadets and industrial representatives have held preliminary conferences in Moscow. Will later address conference which promises continue several days.

Quiet here but Bolshevik demonstration feared. Attempts thereof in Moscow yesterday failed.
