File No. 861.00/1917

The Ambassador in Russia ( Francis) to the Secretary of State


177. Lenin made another elaborate speech to Central Soviet May 13 which published Soviet official organ 15th. He again felicitates proletariat on imperialistic governments’ exhausting themselves in sanguinary contest, saying violation of ante bellum treaties demonstrated that capitalism dominates the warring countries, and that what diplomats designate “national dignity” is really “imperialistic robbery.” He stated, “interests of world socialism are paramount to national interests.” That Murman held by British, French because those countries had furnished means for construction railroad and improvement harbor, and that Russia compelled to submit thereto because had not power to force evacuation. He asserted that prediction Soviet overthrow now extent [imminent] would prove fruitless as other prophecies had for months past. That present controlling German party desired observance Brest treaty while military party there advocating additional conquest. Read message from Joffe, Russian Ambassador, Berlin, stating Germany now recognizes justice of Russian demands concerning Finland and Ukrainia, and consents to agreement between former Soviet government in Finland and Russian Soviet government which left Fort Ino under Russian control for protection of both Soviet republics, but present bourgeois Finnish Republic not yet agreed thereto. Fort Ino is in Finnish Gulf and admittedly on Finnish territory, but commands Kronstadt and Petrograd. Object of Lenin’s speech was evidently to encourage and strengthen Soviet patience and confidence. He reiterated that dictatorship of proletariat in all countries only question of time and endurance. Lenin after speaking left meeting. Martov, opposition leader, then spoke and demanded to know exact relations between Germany and Soviet government and whether Germany had requested permission to send German troops over Russian territory to Murmansk and if so what would be reply of Soviet government; demanded to know what Soviet government doing about encroachments of Germany in Crimea and Don Province. Questions were ignored but Central [Executive?] Committee endorsed Lenin by viva voce party vote.

Soviet News supposedly inspired by Trotsky in editorial 15th quoted approvingly Vossische Zeitung which advocates harmony between Germany and Japan claiming no conflict of interests and mutual benefit derived therefrom, as Germany has no interest [Page 533] Pacific and should concede Siberia to Japan; another instance of efforts to create discord between Allies.
