File No. 861.00/3117

The Secretary of State to the British Chargé (Barclay)

No. 322

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication dated the 31st ultimo, enclosing copy of a memorandum, by direction of the British Government, in regard to Esthonia and the question of recognition of the Esthonian National Council by His Majesty’s Government.

[Page 852]

In reply to your inquiry whether information in the possession of the Department of State regarding conditions in Esthonia tends to confirm the contents of the memorandum, I beg to say that the information obtained by this Government tends to confirm the story of political, social, and military conditions as outlined in the contents of the memorandum by His Majesty’s Government. Nevertheless, public and official declarations which have been made by the Government of the United States on various occasions proclaiming its friendship and loyalty to Russia and the Russian people causes it to feel in honor bound to refrain from adopting any premature action before the meeting of the peace conference.

Accept [etc.]

Robert Lansing