File No. 861.00/1776

The Minister in China (Reinsch) to the Secretary of State


Following from Major Barrows for your information and for Colonel Van Deman, War College:

Accompanied Semenov to Olovyannaya April 20 to May 5. His success alters Siberian situation. Force augmenting and must now [Page 161] be counted the decisive faction in eastern Siberia. I believe within a few days he will capture Chita and control railways east of Irkutsk. His aim is an autonomous Siberia in alliance with Allies to resume war against Central powers. If given moderate support Siberia could be secured and contact effected with loyal Russian forces in Orenburg and Caucasus this summer. The opportunity is great to confound German efforts in Russia if Bolshevik government can be induced to accept Allied intervention in Siberia, Caucasus and Ukraine. The military task reenlist [relatively] simple and for initial movement might be limited to a small supporting force. I consider Bolshevik rule in Siberia near its end.
