File No. 763.72/8980

The Ambassador in France (Sharp) to the Secretary of State


3241. Joint telegram from the Allied Ministers at Jassy dated February 22:

Without even waiting for the reply of the Rumanian Government to their ultimatum and without taking into account the negotiations which they themselves had initiated, the Maximalists of Odessa have arrested Rumanians among whom are numerous members of Parliament who are retained in a hold of the war vessel Sozho where they are undergoing the most barbarous treatment. We have telegraphed to our consuls to protest energetically in our name. At the request of the president of the Council and of the president of the Chambers, we urge our Governments that all steps may be taken for the immediate liberation and repatriation of the Rumanians of Odessa. These grave incidents, which emphasize the difficulty of the retreat into Russia, exercise the most unfortunate reaction recorded on peace negotiations.
