File No. 763.72119/1955

The Chargé in the Netherlands ( Bliss) to the Secretary of State


4587. My 4585. Bulgarian Minister has just written me the text of a telegram from Malinoff, Bulgarian Premier, to Bulgarian Minister at Washington, which he requests that I forward in cipher. Does Department desire me to accept it for transmission or express regrets at not being able to comply with Minister’s request? The telegram instructs Bulgarian Minister at Washington to communicate textual message to the President and the Secretary of State, which is to the effect that Bulgaria’s participation in the war was had only after exhausting all peaceful means of reaching agreement with neighbors for realization of national unity, as well as [emphasizing] Bulgaria’s answer to Austrian peace proposal of September 14; that Bulgarian cause is in conformity with principles which led the United States to intervene in war and Bulgarian Government therefore appeals to President Wilson to mediate to terminate bloodshed in southern theatre of war by an armistice to be followed by preliminary peace negotiations, the various questions regarding the Balkan peninsula to be left to general peace conference for final settlement.

I request instructions as soon as possible.
