File No. 763.72119/2484

The Chargé in Great Britain ( Laughlin) to the Secretary of State

No. 10108

Sir: I have the honor to transmit, herewith enclosed, the copy of a communication which I have received from the Executive Committee of the Union of Democratic Control in support of the President’s peace terms as outlined in his speech of September 27.

The communication is signed by Messrs. Arthur Ponsonby, Philip Snowden, Charles Roden Buxton, F. Seymour Cocks, F. W. Pethick Lawrence, Charles Trevelyan, John A. Hobson, E. D. Morel, F. W. Jowett, H. M. Swanwick, and J. Ramsay MacDonald, who are, and have been since the beginning of the war, the leading pacifists of this country.

I have [etc.]

Irwin Laughlin

The Executive Committee of the Union of Democratic Control to the American Ambassador

Your Excellency: The Executive Committee of the Union of Democratic Control, which, apart from its thousands of members in all sections of the community, has now affiliated to it 271 bodies of organised labour with a combined membership of 975,900, and [Page 470] which is holding successful meetings in all parts of Great Britain, desires to convey to the American Embassy its assurance that this vast mass of public opinion in the country supports President Wilson in outlining terms of peace in his famous fourteen points, more recently and fully expounded in his speech of September 27th; and will further support him in resisting any attempt to enlarge these demands in a manner calculated to delay peace.

We have the honour to be,

Yours faithfully,

  • Charles Trevelyan
  • John A. Hobson
  • E. D. Morel
  • F. W. Jowett
  • H. M. Swanwick
  • J. Ramsay MacDonald
  • Arthur Ponsonby
  • Philip Snowden
  • Charles Roden Buxton
  • F. Seymour Cocks
  • F. W. Pethick Lawrence