File No. 763.72Su/17b

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France ( Sharp)


3149. For Frazier:

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(5) Your 3134, February 2, 8 p.m.,1 indicates to Department that British, French and Italian Prime Ministers do not fully understand that the United States Government has no diplomatic or political representative on War Council and that General Bliss’s function is purely military. Department’s impression in this respect is confirmed by your 3135, February 2, 11 a.m.,2 containing statement authorized for publication by Supreme War Council. This statement begins, “The Supreme War Council gave the most careful consideration to the recent utterance, etc.” What must have been meant was that the British, French and Italian Prime Ministers gave the most careful consideration, etc. Further, the text of the official statement of the Conference states prominently that “Mr. A. H. Frazier, First Secretary of the United States Embassy at Paris, was present during the political discussions.” No mention was made of the capacity in which you were present.

Department is most particular that in future it be clearly understood that you attend the meetings of the Council simply for the purpose of reporting its proceedings, but with no voice in the political discussions. You should make it very clear to the members of the Council that this Government objects to the publication by the Supreme War Council of any statement of a political character which carries with it the inference that the United States Government, on account of your presence and the presence of General Bliss, has been consulted and approves of such statement. You should point out to the members of the Council that statements issued by the Supreme War Council, upon which the United States Government has a military representative, naturally carry the [Page 82] inference that they are issued with the approval of the United States Government. The United States Government objects to the issuance of such statements by the Council as may in any way be considered political unless either (1) the text of the statement is first referred to the President for his approval or (2) it is expressly stated in the statement that it is made upon the authority of France, England and Italy and that it has not been submitted to the Government of the United States.1

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  1. Not printed.
  2. Ante, p. 70.
  3. See also telegram to the Ambassador, No. 3197, Feb. 18, post, p. 125.