File No. 652.119/1023

The Chargé in Great Britain ( Laughlin) to the Secretary of State


10742. War Trade Board [from Sheldon]:

No. 835. From Alfred G. Smith for McCormick. After discussing with Stevens and Sheldon the advisability of having a British expert assist me in Spanish negotiations I have decided to accept such assistance on the understanding that you left in my hands the decision on this point. At my request Sheldon has written a letter to Foreign Office, of which the following is a paraphrase:

Regarding proposed negotiations by United States representatives for tonnage agreement with Spain as contemplated by Spanish-American agreement March 9 [7], I confirm conversation regarding participation of British Government in regard thereto. Mr. Smith, representing War Trade Board and Shipping Board, has special mission to assist United States Ambassador in Madrid in conducting these negotiations. Mr. Smith would be very pleased if His Majesty’s Government should designate a shipping expert to assist him in conducting these negotiations in Madrid and is also pleased to learn that the British Commercial Attaché in Madrid will also be instructed to assist him in these negotiations.

I am leaving for Paris to-morrow and expect to arrive in Madrid the early part of next week.
