File No. 763.72/10369

The Minister in Cuba ( Gonzales) to the Secretary of State


On June 10 I submitted to and discussed with President Menocal memorandum covering various matters and yesterday evening was called to confer with President and Secretary of State for further consideration with following result:

President will refuse coal to all steamers not operating “for the benefit of Cuba.” In view of President Wilson’s address to Mexican journalists1 Menocal thinks inadvisable to single out Mexico for prohibition of coal. He would like Department to cable me immediately that coal sent here is “for benefit of Cuba.” This would strengthen his position. Important his order be issued at once as ships from Spain are coming in.
All ships, baggage, passengers, and crew will be subject to search and special customs police force created for purpose; crews not permitted to land. I have furnished Cuban officials for adoption the plans for ship and passenger search used in New York which I obtained from Collector of Customs there.
Effective registration of enemy aliens throughout country.
Mail of all enemy subjects held by censor permanently.
Enemy subjects and other suspects moved from water fronts.
No persons arrested as suspected of enemy activity to be released until I have had opportunity for inspecting evidence against them and advising with President.
No Cuban sailing craft permitted to approach Mexican coast.
