File No. 811.54262/91

The Ambassador in France ( Sharp) to the Secretary of State


2081. Department’s 2193, April 21. French Government reports no agreement exists between France and Germany and Austria-Hungary [Page 320] concerning patents and trade-marks, war having severed all relations which international unions and private conventions had established between the belligerent countries. The law of May 27, 1915 (see my despatches Nos. 5195, February 23,1 and 5341, April 13, 19171) prescribes regulation to be followed in France regarding patents and trade-marks of enemy subjects. Article 6 of this law allows Frenchmen and enemy subjects to fulfill all formalities and all obligations with a view to safeguarding their industrial property rights. This article authorizes payment of royalties.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed.