File No. 891.48/50

The British Chargé ( Barclay) to the Assistant Secretary of State ( Phillips)

No. 520

My Dear Mr. Phillips: With reference to the question of the proposed visit to Persia of Doctor MacCallum’s relief expedition, about which discussion has taken place recently, I write to inform you that we have now received a telegram from the Foreign Office to the effect that the British Government agree that the presence of the committee in Persia is calculated to be useful, in connection with the distribution of the sum of money given to Persia by the United States Government for relief purposes.

The Foreign Office express the hope that Doctor MacCallum will consult with Mr. Marling, the British Minister, on his arrival in Persia. Mr. Marling has had long experience in Persia and an intimate knowledge of present Persian politics, and he will of course be glad to assist Doctor MacCallum with the object of securing that the money to be distributed is not misapplied.

Believe me [etc.]

Colville Barclay