763.72119/9191: Telegram

Colonel E. M. House to the Secretary of State

203. Very secret for the President. Clemenceau called on me this afternoon. He said that he had come to give me his solemn word of honor that he would discuss no question of any importance with George in London. He said that the meeting was of no importance whatever and that he thought that George had asked him to come over simply for electioneering purposes. He said that he thought it most inopportune to call a meeting of this sort on the eve of your departure for France. He added that if Great Britain adopted during the conference a grasping attitude, France would oppose it. France, he stated, would be always willing to submit her claims to the judgment of the [Page 334] conference. Our conference lasted only 15 minutes inasmuch as today has been my first day out of bed. Clemenceau said he would stay in London only 2 days.

Edward House