Paris Peace Conf. 181.9202/48: Telegram

General Bandholtz to the Commission to Negotiate Peace

29. From two sources have received information that Roumania’s attitude is due Prime Minister, who is striving to ensure victory his party in fall elections by display rich spoils of war from Hungary. To prevent anarchy in case of precipitate Roumanian evacuation of all Hungary, it is of prime importance that the Roumanians permit the immediate reorganization and arming of the municipal police, that they release interned Hungarian officers and that they stay east of the Danube. No government has yet been formed, but this Mission is daily besieged by delegations demanding suitable representation in [Page 657] the ministry, to all of whom is given the stereotyped reply that we cannot mix in the internal affairs of Hungary.

The anti-Semitic question is getting rather serious; reports were received yesterday that many Jews had been beaten in the streets of the city. Most of the petitions received insist that there be no Jews in the government.

Telegram No. 1024 received and copies furnished my colleagues.

Receipt acknowledged of No. 8.25

  1. No. 10 of August 25, 11 p.m., transmitted copy of telegram of same date from Supreme Council to Roumanian Government; for text of telegram to Roumanian Government, see appendix C to HD–38, vol. vii, p. 857.
  2. Not printed.