861.77/1024: Telegram

The President of the Technical Board (Stevens) to the Secretary of State

Reliable information Siberian Army demoralized; no longer active factor, unable to hold limits of Tobolsk. All Allied representatives opinion Omsk evacuated in a month, probable collapse Government. Reds attacking along Tomsk Railway, situation of affairs tense those towns, nothing can be done improve railways there present conditions. My opinion is that unless miracle, before winter Reds will have control as far as Irkutsk if they want to. Only salvation strong Allied army exclusive of Japanese, otherwise Reds and Japanese will divide Siberia and north Manchuria and the Baikal. Until the situation clears I advise holding service men not sailed, chances look to me that none of us can stay here very long. Think if real Allies want to keep Chinese Eastern out of Japanese hands they must strike quickly and decisively. All the above my carefully considered judgment.
