861.00/5514: Telegram

The Ambassador in Great Britain (Davis) to the Secretary of State

3316. Foreign Office, with which only the first portion of your 6112 of October 22, 3 p.m.88 was informally discussed, has heard nothing recently regarding points 1 and 2. As regards point 3 it has received many confirmations of increasing opposition to Japan and accepts news in point 4 with considerable reservations as to present real strength of Kolchak and persons by whom he is surrounded. The hope was expressed that Consul Hodgson, Vladivostok, of whom British Government has high opinion, was cooperating satisfactorily with our authorities. American Mission informed.

  1. Not printed; quotes that part of telegram from the Consul at Vladivostok, no. 555, Oct. 19, 11 a.m., printed ante, p. 532.