861.01/113: Telegram

The Ambassador in Great Britain (Davis) to the Secretary of State


2791. Following from [Cole at] Archangel.

“1375, August 12, 6 p.m. Changes not yet completed are taking place in the personnel of the Provisional Government. Imminent withdrawal of British troops has brought home the necessity of a liberal government in close touch with the people.

. . . . . . .

These changes are a sincere, though much belated effort, to meet the situation briefly outlined in my 1343, July 24, 5 p.m.,55 paragraph 4. The military dictatorship which existed in effect after Miller’s appointment as commanding officer and governor general and which it was proposed to make permanent and supreme (see my 1321, July 16, 6 p.m.55) has been entirely given up and the control over civilian affairs largely concentrated in civilian hands.

The changes are in fact an attempt to organize a resistance to the Bolsheviki after the departure of the British troops. This attempt cannot succeed, however, and it would seem best for the Russians to remove all government institutions and peoples and all valuable supplies simultaneously with the British departure in order to give the Bolsheviki as little cause as possible for proclaiming a victory or reaping advantage from the occupation of Archangel. Cole. [”]

  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed.