
The Secretary of State to the Vice President of the Continental & Commercial Trust & Savings Bank of Chicago (Abbott)

Sir: The Department recalls that on November 16, 1916, it addressed to you a letter in which it stated that it was always gratified to see the Republic of China receive financial assistance from the citizens of the United States, and that it was its policy to give all proper diplomatic support and protection to legitimate enterprises abroad of American citizens.23

The Department has read with much interest the new loan contract which you have concluded with the Chinese Government and referred to the Department, and notes with pleasure this evidence of your continued interest in Chinese financial matters.

The international consciousness resulting from the close associations of our country with other nations, in consequence of the war, has further accentuated the interests of this Government in encouraging and aiding, in every proper way, the undertakings of its nationals in foreign countries, in furtherance of that free intercourse which it is appreciated is mutually advantageous and which should be encouraged and supported. To the accomplishment of this end, this [Page 526] Government is willing to take all proper steps to insure the execution of equitable contracts which are made in good faith.

I am [etc.]

Robert Lansing