
The Acting Secretary of State to the British Ambassador on Special Mission (Reading)

Excellency: I have the honor to refer to this Government’s note No. 262 of February 24, 1914,20 suggesting that the Government of the United States and the Government of Canada should refer to the International Joint Commission for investigation and report certain questions outlined in the note regarding the development and use of the waters forming the boundary between the United States and Canada, and to inquire whether the Canadian Government is now ready to submit the matter to the Commission and if not, whether it is willing to join with this Government in submitting to the Commission for investigation and report the matter referred to in Section 9 of the Act of Congress approved March 2, 1919, a copy of which was transmitted to your Embassy in the Department’s note of March 31 last.21

Accept [etc.]

Frank L. Polk
  1. Not printed; no answer to this note was ever received.
  2. Not printed.