812.00/23879: Telegram

The Consul at Monterey (Bowman) to the Secretary of State

Train to Mexico City last night encountered Governor Mireles and his troops at Arizpe where he had retreated abandoning Saltillo to revolting troops commanded by General González. Train returned with Mireles and his following. Two troop trains with total of 600 left the city this morning en route to Tampico leaving only a small number. The post office has been closed and hurried preparations are being made to evacuate the city completely. It is reported revolutionists advancing rapidly from Saltillo and from Matamoros. We still have communication with Tampico and Nuevo Laredo but I cannot communicate with Mexico City. The local panic can be imagined. Prices foodstuffs [which] had already risen quadruplicate have become prohibitive. Cannot relief be afforded all employees this consulate?
