
The Chargé in Mexico (Summerlin) to the Secretary of State

No. 3149

Sir: In view of the number of references to the Plan of “Agua Prieta” in the Embassy’s telegrams to the Department, I have the honor to send enclosed, even at this late date, copy and translation of that document.

I have [etc.]

George T. Summerlin

The Plan of Agua Prieta


—The National Sovereignty rests essentially and originally in the people; all Public Power emanates from the people and is instituted for its benefit; and the power of public officials is only a partial delegation of the popular sovereignty, made by the same people.
—The present President of the Republic, Venustiano Carranza, has constituted himself the leader of a political party and, pursuing the triumph of that party, has systematically made a mockery of the popular vote, has suspended, in fact, individual guarantees and has made repeated attempts against the sovereignty of the States thus radically weakening the political organization of the Republic.
—These acts and this procedure, openly exposed, constitute, at the same time, flagrant violations of our Supreme Law, grave crimes of a common order and absolute betrayal of the fundamental aspirations of the Constitutionalist Revolution.15
—All the peaceful means to direct the action of the aforementioned First Chief of the Federation into constitutional channels, having been exhausted without the achievement of such an end, the [Page 151] moment has arrived when the Mexican people resumes all its sovereignty, revokes the power which it has conferred upon this faithless agent and reassert[s] the absolute rule of its institutions and its laws.

In virtue of the above, we, the undersigned Mexican citizens in full exercise of our political rights, have adopted in all its parts and swear to sustain in its entirety the following:

organic plan of the movement to revindicate democracy and the law

  • Article I.—Venustiano Carranza ceases in the exercise of the Executive Power of the Federation.
  • Article II.—Recognition is refused to the public officials whose assumption of office had its origin in the recent elections of local powers which took place in the States of Guanajuato, San Luis Potosí, Queretaro, Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas.
  • Article III.—Recognition is likewise refused to the citizens elected in the capacity of Councilmen of the Municipal Government of the City of Mexico during the last elections held in said capital.
  • Article IV.—Jose Santos Godinez is recognized as Constitutional Governor of the State of Nayarit.
  • Article V.—All the other legitimate authorities of the Federation and the States are also recognized. The Liberal Constitutionalist Army will sustain said authorities provided they do not combat nor molest the present movement.
  • Article VI.—The Political Constitution of February 5, 191716 is hereby recognized as the fundamental law of the Republic.
  • Article VII.—All the generals, military leaders, officers and soldiers seconding this plan shall constitute the Liberal Constitutionalist Army. The present Constitutional Governor of Sonora, Adolfo de la Huerta, shall temporarily have the character of Supreme Chief of the Army with all the faculties necessary for the military, political and administrative organization of this movement.
  • Article VIII.—The Constitutional Governors of the States who recognize and adhere to this movement within the space of thirty days, reckoned from the date of promulgation of this plan, shall each name a duly authorized representative to the end that said delegates, assembled within sixty days after the present date, in the place designated by the man who is temporarily Supreme Chief, take measures for the definite appointment, by a majority of votes, of the Supreme Chief of the Liberal Constitutionalist Army.
  • Article IX.—If in view of the circumstances arising from the campaign, the Assembly of Delegates of the Constitutional Governors [Page 152] referred to in the previous article does not secure a majority on the date set, the present Constitutional Governor of the State of Sonora, Adolfo de la Huerta, shall definitely remain the Supreme Chief of the Liberal Constitutionalist Army.
  • Article X.—As soon as the present Plan is adopted by the majority of the Nation and the City of Mexico is occupied by the Liberal Constitutionalist Army, measures shall be taken to designate a Provisional President of the Republic in the manner provided by the following articles:—
  • Article XI.—If the movement should be consummated before the end of the present period of the Federal Congress, the Supreme Chief of the Liberal Constitutionalist Army shall convoke Congress to extra sessions wherever it may be able to meet and the members of both Chambers shall elect the Provisional President in conformance to the Constitution in force.
  • Article XII.—If the case foreseen by Article VIII should arise after the end of the constitutional period of the present Chambers, the Supreme Chief of the Liberal Constitutionalist Army shall assume the Provisional Presidency of the Republic.
  • Article XIII.—The Provisional President shall call elections of the Executive and Legislative Powers of the Federation immediately after he takes possession of his post.
  • Article XIV.—The Supreme Chief of the Liberal Constitutionalist Army shall name Provisional Governors of the States of Guanajuato, San Luis Potosí, Queretaro, Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas; of those which do not have a Constitutional Governor; and of all the other Federal entities whose administrators combat or refuse to recognize this movement.
  • Article XV.—After the triumph of this Plan has been assured, the Provisional President shall authorize the Provisional Governors to call immediately elections of Local Powers in conformance to the respective laws.
  • Article XVI.—The Liberal Constitutionalist Army shall rule in accord with the General Orders and Military Laws at present in force in the Republic.
  • Article XVII.—The Supreme Chief of the Liberal Constitutionalist Army and all the civil and military authorities who second this Plan shall give guarantees to nationals and foreigners and shall give very special protection to the development of industry, commerce and all business.

Effective Suffrage.—No Reelection.