861.00/6300: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Wallace) to the Secretary of State

364. Following note signed Prince Lvoff, Sazonov, Savinkoff, Maklakoff received from Russian delegation in Paris:

“It is reported from Siberia that Admiral Koichak has been handed over to the Bolsheviki by the Czechs with General Janin’s assent. The Russian delegation in Paris very much disturbed by this news, applies to the Government [of the United States] and expresses to it the hope that the Allies will not fail urgently to take any necessary measures to have the Admiral liberated and protected from the grave danger which menaces him. The Allied Governments who have themselves had relations with Admiral Koichak and last summer solemnly promised him their assistance cannot abandon him at this time as such a desertion especially in view of the part played in this circumstance by an Allied general would not fail to have the most disastrous repercussion on public opinion in all anti-Bolshevist Russia.[”]
