882.00/663a: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Chargé in France (Harrison)

1376. A difficult situation at present exists in Liberia necessitating quick telegraphic communications between the Department and [Page 85] the Legation at Monrovia. Cable messages however are delayed 8 to 10 days. Cable company at Monrovia informs the Legation there that submarine cable connections beyond Conakry are broken, and company cannot say when repairs will be made. Messages are therefore routed to Grand Bassam by cable thence by French and British Government land telegraph lines to Seccondee thence to Europe. Legation is attempting to send message to Conakry by cable thence to Dakar by French Government wireless thence to New York by cable.

Please take up matter immediately with French Foreign Office ascertaining whether statement of French cable company at Monrovia is correct and express this government’s earnest desire that every facility be given messages between Monrovia and Washington for prompt delivery and express further the hope that broken cable be mended without delay.

You may also say at the Foreign Office that this government has been informed from a presumably reliable source that French interests at Monrovia are encouraging anti-American attitude of Liberian president and consequently complicating the situation looking to the acceptance of American Loan Plan by Liberian Government. This Government expects that French Government will take every means possible through its representative at Monrovia to impress upon the president and government of Liberia that the French Government is very desirous to see the American Loan Plan adopted without delay. Report by cable.
