893.74/173: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Chargé in China (Ruddock)

239. Your 290, August 18, 5 p.m., and 296, August 24, 10 a.m.62

While Department has been unable to make positive representations in the absence of the text of the agreement under negotiation, the Chinese Minister here has been advised in an informal conversation that this Government would feel surprise and keen disappointment if the Chinese Government should place obstacles in the way of the prompt fulfilment by the Federal Telegraph Company of its contract; that this contract has been an important element in establishing and preserving the open door principle in China, and that this Government has relied upon the whole-hearted cooperation of the Chinese Government in making that principle effective. The hope was expressed that the Chinese Government would avoid any action which might compromise it in any way or vitiate a contract entered into in good faith. The Department is at a loss to understand why there should be any delay in reaching an agreement, and unless the Chinese Government advances some sound and convincing reason to the contrary this Government will expect that the Federal Company will be permitted to proceed without unnecessary delay.

You may informally and orally convey the substance of the above to the appropriate Chinese authorities.

  1. No. 296 not printed.