
The Japanese Embassy to the Department of State40

The American and Japanese Delegations41 to invite the British Delegation to a joint conference in order to discuss the following points relating to C. Mandates:

Application to such mandated territories of all existing treaties to which the Mandatories are parties; also recognition of the [Page 305] right of foreign nationals and vessels to have free access to all waters of such territories.
Submission to the United States of a duplicate of an annual report to be made by the Mandatories to the Council of the League of Nations.

  1. Marginal note by the Chief of the Division of Far Eastern Affairs, Department of State: “Handed to Secretary by Mr. Saburi, of Japanese Embassy, December 2, 1921—File. MacM[urray].”
  2. Presumably the delegations to the Conference on the Limitation of Armament, which opened at Washington Nov. 12, 1921.