811.114/1074: Circular telegram

The Secretary of State to Diplomatic Representatives20

Referring Departments circular telegrams October 721 and 14. Inform the Foreign Office that the Secretary of the Treasury has promulgated the following regulation,

“On October 25th, 1922, the Secretary of the Treasury issued an order continuing in effect until further notice the present regulations of the Treasury Department governing the bringing of liquors into the territorial waters of the United States by foreign vessels under which both cargo and sea-stores liquors may be brought into American territorial waters, cargo liquors to be sealed and remain sealed while therein, sea-stores to be sealed on entering and remain sealed, except when opened for the withdrawal therefrom of liquors for the use of the officers and crew only, all sales and service whatever to passengers being prohibited.”

  1. A similar circular telegram was sent on the same date to American consular officers, instructing them to inform foreign shipping.
  2. Not printed.