
The Ambassador in France (Herrick) to the Secretary of State

No. 1916

Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith, for the Department’s information, copy and translation of a communication received from [Page 281] the “Turkish Diplomatic Mission” in Paris protesting against any decision as to the Palestine Mandate prior to a definite peace having been signed.

The “Turkish Diplomatic Mission” presumably represents the Angora Government.

I have [etc.]

Myron T. Herrick

The Turkish Diplomatic Mission to the Department of State

During the present session of the Council of the League of Nations, Lord Balfour asked that the Palestine Mandate be assigned to England.

The Turkish Diplomatic Mission, esteeming that no part of the territory of the Ottoman Empire can be legally decided upon before a definitive peace has been concluded with Turkey, protests in the name of its Government against all eventual decisions on this matter and considers as null and void the decisions taken without its consent.