839.6463/76: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in the Dominican Republic (Russell)

31. Santo Domingo Light and Power Company informs Department its representative Dominican Republic states that because of non-payment of taxes municipality Santiago is proceeding to embargo company’s properties and that Dominican Government served notice December 1 that unless taxes for past two years paid before December 15 Government would proceed against properties.

Company alleges its charter exempts it from all taxation and that recent decision Court [of] last resort that company is subject to real property tax constitutes denial of justice.

Company is sending for copy decision and other documents to present case to Department.

Immediately advise appropriate authorities and present urgent request that pending expiration reasonable period to enable Department to investigate case no action be taken against company’s properties. In this connection refer to assurances given you by Minister Interior and reported your number 42, November 14, noon, that negotiations with company for purchase of properties would soon be closed. Telegraph report.
