
The Secretary of State to the Federal Telegraph Company

Gentlemen: The Department encloses herewith for your confidential information a copy of the recommendations of the communications experts attached to the American, British, French and Japanese delegations to the Conference on the Limitation of Armament, under date of February 4, 1922, together with a copy of the Proposed Heads of Arrangements respecting Wireless in China.29

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The Department takes this occasion to suggest that your Company take under advisement the possibility of coming to an agreement with the British, French and Japanese radio interests on the basis of the experts’ recommendations of February 4, 1922, subject, of course, to the condition that the French and Japanese Governments should join the American and British Governments in giving their approval to the recommendations.

The information contained herein is being communicated also to the Radio Corporation of America.

I am [etc.]

For the Secretary of State:
Leland Harrison

Assistant Secretary