711.672/226: Telegram

The High Commissioner at Constantinople (Bristol) to the Secretary of State


318. Your telegram 223 of December 3. Although recently the necessity of consulting Angora has caused some delay, our negotiations regarding claims are proceeding satisfactorily. There has been tangible progress, and I think that in the near future an agreement can be reached along the lines of a commission to examine.

It is my conviction that it would not be wise even to sound out the Turks regarding naturalization before a claims agreement is actually concluded and signed. I shall report soon my views with respect to naturalization, in the light of existing conditions in Turkey.

The lack of realization by the Turks of the serious condition of relations between America and Turkey is not due to any failure of mine in statement or argument. On many occasions in the past this situation has been clearly explained to them but never more frequently or with greater emphasis than during our negotiations over claims.

Turkey would like to put her relations with the United States on a regular basis, but this desire will not be very effective or survive any considerable strain as a bargaining point in negotiations seriously involving Turkish susceptibilities.…
