711.192/3: Telegram

The Minister in Panama (South) to the Secretary of State

11. Secretary Garay2 has just read to me a letter addressed to him by President Porras3 directing him to request American Minister to cable Department requesting an answer to Minister Alfaro’s4 request for naming of a commission to negotiate treaty.5 Alfaro has cabled that he had a conversation with Mr. White6 on January 20th in which Mr. White said he would at once put the matter before Secretary Hughes and give Alfaro an answer. President Porras says matter is urgent due to approaching date of proposed abrogation. Legation would appreciate an early reply.

  1. Narciso Garay, Minister for Foreign Affairs.
  2. Belisario Porras, President of Panama.
  3. Ricardo J. Alfaro, Panaman Minister in the United States.
  4. To supersede the so-called Taft Agreement.
  5. Francis White, Chief of the Division of Latin American Affairs, Department of State.