365.115 D 58/78: Telegram

The High Commissioner in Turkey (Bristol) to the Secretary of State


194. Have received note dated September 28 from Turkish Foreign Office which is substantially as follows:

As the treaty between the United States and Turkey signed at Lausanne has not as yet gone into effect and as it has not yet been decided to apply certain provisions before the treaty takes effect, authority shall not be given American citizens to purchase33 real property. Pending the taking effect of said treaty they may, however, mortgage or transfer property which they already own either to Turkish citizens or to foreign nationals who have the right to own property in Turkey.

I believe the Department should authorize me to answer the note outlined above by referring to the protocol of 187434 and reserving the rights of citizens of the United States under that protocol to hold property. The Turkish Government made clear at Lausanne [Page 737] its position with respect to the abrogation of all previous treaties but I think it unwise to acquiesce in the Foreign Office note of September 28, tacitly or otherwise.

Of course I will continue my efforts to have the Turkish Government reverse its decision in the matter.

  1. In telegram 215, Oct. 31, 1924, the High Commissioner stated that the French word in the note was “acquérir” (file no. 365.115 D 58/80).
  2. Malloy, Treaties, 1776–1909, vol. ii, p. 1344.