825.00/365: Telegram

The Ambassador in Chile (Collier) to the Secretary of State

9. [Paraphrase.] Alfred Houston, local attorney for [the Braden Copper Company], has just come to see me at the request of Carlos Aldunate and two of his civilian colleagues of the recent ministry [Page 582] which was overthrown yesterday. They want me to call upon General Dartnell, with whom I am very well acquainted, and ask him to take measures to prevent any possible violence being done to Altamirano, Nef, and Gomez Carreño. I replied that I was unable to take such action, at least for the present, because the Acting Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs had informed me that he has just seen the three persons who are detained in the Moneda, that they are being courteously treated and are in good spirits, and that he thought the Army and Navy might adjust the situation today and the three men be released. However, Aldunate and his colleagues entertain grave fears for the safety of the late junta except for Bennett who was not arrested and who seems to be enjoying complete freedom. Personally I do not anticipate any violence although there is considerable possibility of it.

The former Minister for Foreign Affairs is actively in sympathy with yesterday’s movement and thinks there is a possibility of violence to the late junta, especially to Gomez Carreño. Kindly instruct me what to do in case any person becomes an actual victim of mob violence or if the life of any person appears to be in danger. I am well acquainted with General Dartnell. [End paraphrase.]

Brazilian Ambassador has left and I understand that Argentine Ambassador also. Italian Ambassador returns tonight from Viña del Mar. Carlos Aldunate and three other civilians members of Cabinet were held in detention yesterday in Moneda for two hours while young Army officer with loaded revolver walked up and down the room holding them virtual prisoners and lecturing to them as to the purpose of military movement and as to its having been betrayed by late junta and its ministry. Aldunate is now in his own house at liberty and has given his word of honor not to leave Santiago. In my opinion he is in no danger.
