701.0093 D 34/734

The Netherlands Minister in China (Oudendijk), Senior Minister, to the American Minister (Schurman)15

Circular No. 30

Subject:—Situation in Shanghai.

Referring to Circular No. 2116 the Senior Minister has the honour to circulate herewith among his Honourable Colleagues the translation of a Note, dated February 4th, which he received from the Wai [Page 599] Chiao Pu in reply to his Note of January 27th,16a on the subject of the situation in and around Shanghai.

A copy of this translation has been sent to the Senior Consul in Shanghai.


Note From the Wai Chiao Pu to the Netherlands Minister (Oudendijk)

Monsieur le Ministre: I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency’s Note, dated January 27th, to the effect that renewed hostilities between Chinese military leaders again threaten the lives and properties of the foreign residents, and requesting, in the interest of all the inhabitants, that the strictest order be given by telegraph to the authorities in Kiangsu province that no troops be allowed to come within the neighbourhood of the foreign habitations in or near the foreign Settlement and Concession, and expressing the hope that the Chinese Government assumes responsibility for the protection of foreign lives and properties and will not fail to maintain normal conditions in and around Shanghai.

In reply I have the honour to inform Your Excellency that I have duly transmitted the contents of this Note to the Office of the Chief Executive with the request that the necessary instructions be given by telegram to the Senior military officers in Kiangsu province.

Hoping that Your Excellency will be good enough to inform the other Foreign Ministers in Peking of the above, I avail [etc.]

Seal of the
Wai Chiao Pu
  1. Copy received by the Department on April 6.
  2. Not printed.
  3. Not printed.