
The Secretary of State to the British Chargé (Chilton)

Sir: I have your note No. 686 of July 9, 1925, and find that this Government is in general accord with the British Government as to the seriousness of the situation in China as described under the geographical headings used by you. This situation is being very carefully watched by the Government of the United States and by the commanders of its military and naval forces in the Far East, and, in accord with their advice, a sufficient force of naval vessels is being maintained at the Asiatic Station to cope with the conditions now in existence. I have no doubt His Majesty’s Government is fully informed of the classes of these vessels, their location and the number of men in their crews. In addition, the United States has a military force of a thousand men cooperating with the expeditionary forces of the other protocol Powers for the purpose of maintaining communication between Peking and the sea.

After consultation with the Naval and Military authorities of this Government I find that no request has come from the commanders of the American forces in the Far East asking for additional assistance. I am informed that in their opinion American forces there are adequate for all present purposes.

This Government will be glad to be informed of the views of the British Government or any specific suggestions which it may have to make in regard to coping with the exigencies of the situation now [Page 614] existing. Up to the present this Government has not considered any action other than that described above, which has been taken for the purpose of protecting the lives and property of its citizens. Without in the least trying to minimize the dangers to foreigners it is very difficult for this Government to state what steps it will be necessary to take in order to insure adequate protection as it seems necessary, to a large extent, to rely on the judgment of the commanders who are on the ground and have a full knowledge of the situation.

Accept [etc.]

Frank B. Kellogg