893.00/6319: Telegram

The Consul General at Canton (Jenkins) to the Secretary of State

Referring to my telegram of June 24, noon. There has been no more firing but the British report that Chinese forces massed in the city behind Shameen. Situation continues extremely tense and renewed outbreak may occur at any time, as the Chinese forces directed by Russians have some artillery and an aeroplane situation could become grave. On the other hand Governor and civil authorities assure me Chinese have no intention resorting to force. They declare also Chinese had no intention provoking incident and bitterly resent what they claim to be an unprovoked attack by the British. Each side accuses the other side of firing the first shot and no overtures for a peaceable settlement yet possible. Chinese asked me to [Page 755] sit on an international commission of inquiry and I signified my willingness to accept but so far no organization perfected.

About fifty Americans mostly men still remain in and near Canton whom I advise to leave if they can.

Demonstrations in outlying districts reported but so far no serious assaults on foreigners.

If the commission of inquiry is duly organized am I authorized to participate?

Legation is informed.
