702.2211/57: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Ecuador (De Lambert)

25. Your 33, July 21, 11 a.m.11 While Department can not issue exequaturs to consular officers holding commissions from an unrecognized regime it would be disposed at the request of the Ecuadoran Legation to permit Consular officers appointed by the authorities now functioning in Ecuador to carry on their duties provisionally without exequaturs.12

  1. Not printed; the Chargé reported among other matters that the regime in Ecuador had requested him to ascertain if the United States would grant exequaturs to new Ecuadoran consular officers (file No. 822.00/596).
  2. Subsequently the regime in Ecuador appointed Señor de Ycaza to be consul general at New York, and he was permitted to carry on his duties (file No. 702.2211/59).