723.2515/2715: Telegram

The Chargé in Chile (Engert) to the Secretary of State


338. When I presented your memorandum45 to the Minister for Foreign Affairs,46 he and the Under Secretary, who was present, requested me to translate it roughly as I read it, both gentlemen being unfamiliar with English. They were visibly impressed by the complete sincerity of your observations and your tactful and sympathetic understanding of national susceptibilities; above all they were impressed by your lucid and practical suggestions for a solution. On these points they were enthusiastic, and the Minister requested me to convey to you his heartfelt thanks for the generous and unselfish interest which you have taken in this problem. Señor Matte added that although the United States was reputed to be a land of business and money, he knew, what your memorandum confirmed, that our people were also a people of high ideals.

The memorandum will be submitted to the President as soon as the Foreign Office has finished translating it, probably this afternoon.

From purely informal remarks made to me by the Minister and the Under Secretary this morning I surmise that they personally favor some such solution as you have suggested, and that they have hopes of seeing it become effective.

  1. See telegram No. 84, Nov. 30, 1 a.m., to the Ambassador in Peru, supra.
  2. Jorge Matte, who had succeeded Mr. Huneeus as Chilean Minister for Foreign Affairs.