
The Chief of the Division of Far Eastern Affairs (Johnson) to Mr. A. L. Warnshuis, Secretary of the International Missionary Council, New York

Sir: In order to confirm at least a portion of the information you have doubtless received through newspaper reports, the Department desires to state that American officials in China have advised American citizens residing in regions west of Chungking and in the Foochow consular district in Fukien to withdraw to places where they may receive naval protection or secure further transportation. There have been extensive withdrawals of American citizens, also, from regions in the Yangtze Valley.

The Department has instructed its officials in China to advise American citizens there in regard to the steps they should take for their own safety. It is now necessary, in the Department’s opinion, for all American missionary organizations having representatives in the Yangtze Valley or in South China to make suitable preparations for the evacuation of their various mission stations in these regions, [Page 246] so that this may be accomplished without loss of time if such a measure becomes advisable in any given locality. American officials in China will assist American citizens in seeking places of safety to the full extent of the facilities at their disposal.

The Department trusts that it may avail itself of your good offices in the transmission of this information to the interested American missionary organizations. If you consider that the Department might better adopt other means for communicating with the American missionary organizations concerned at this time and in the future, your suggestions in this regard well be greatly appreciated. You are requested to state, also, whether you have facilities for ascertaining and reaching all American religious and educational bodies engaged in work in any designated region of China.

I am [etc.]

Nelson Trusler Johnson